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Strive for Perfection

Even an attempt at perfection is difficult, but if you set perfection as your company's goal and everyone involved strives for it, you'll be winning against the competition, regardless

Sales + Marketing

How to Deliver a Five-Star Customer Experience

Take these steps to keep referrals up, customer trust high, feedback positive, and customer relationships strong

Planning + Development

BuildTools Provides the Solution for Managing Demanding Clients

Platinum Series Homes needed a system to stop losing money on change orders. BuildTools centralized critical project details to improve client relations and their bottom line. 

Building Technology

KB Home Launches AI-Powered Chatbot for Customers

KB Home announced its launch of an AI chatbot platform aimed at answering home shopper questions, offering personalized information, and…

Digital Marketing

Tips for Using 3D Digital Models to Visualize and Sell Homes

Home builders that are using 3D design tools share their advice on selling homes using virtual models

Codes + Standards

Why Are Building Codes Important?

Building codes not only provide a standard benchmark contractors must meet, they also establish a building’s safety and energy performance for years to come

Quality Matters

Why Compact Duct Layouts for HVAC Make Sense

The approach shown here for HVAC duct layouts is a win-win: It saves money and reduces homeowner complaints about indoor comfort

Customer Satisfaction

Home Builder as Concierge, Delivering Customer Service Excellence

Your ability to deliver a positive, personalized customer experience to homebuyers is a critical driver in sales

Customer Satisfaction

Creating a Culture of Customer Commitment

You have to walk the talk if you expect employees to truly value customer satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

Home Builder Sues Customer For $550,000 After Negative Online Review

Adair Homes, Vancouver, Wash., is suing Wes Brooks for defamation after the Oregon man posted critical comments about the company on Facebook. The…

Digital Marketing

3 Ways to Optimize Your Website for Greater Revenue and Happier Customers

Consumers aren’t static, and your website should not be either. Why it pays to make sure your website meets consumer expectations for a positive online experience 

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