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Housing Markets

These Are the Most Popular Housing Markets Among Gen-Z Buyers

Gen Zers are slowly but steadily making their way into the housing market. Here's where they're headed


Wealthy Boomers Are Pushing Millennials Out of the Housing Market

Baby Boomers are better equipped financially for homebuying and, as a result, are beating Millennials in the race to find affordable starter homes


Middle-Income Buyers Face the Nation’s Biggest Housing Shortage

Middle-income buyers can afford to buy less than one-quarter of listings in today's housing market


Younger Generations Are Staying Away From the Housing Market—Here’s Why

Gen Zers and Millennials are most disadvantaged by a financial crisis caused by soaring inflation and stagnant wage growth, and as a result, many are boycotting a volatile housing market


Why Millennials Still Trail Behind Baby Boomers in Today’s Housing Market

Millennials are losing out to Baby Boomers in the hunt for a limited supply of starter homes


In the Race to Homeownership, Millennials Are Lagging

Buying a home in today's high-cost housing market isn't a feat for the weak, and Millennial buyers who are making their first home purchase face the biggest challenges


How Homes and Neighborhoods Are Making Millennials and Gen Z Lonelier

The housing affordability crisis and design of American homes and neighborhoods may be hampering community connection and exacerbating the loneliness epidemic


Millennial Homeowners Outpace Millennial Renters for the First Time

Millennial homeowner households are growing faster than the market share of Millennial renters, but younger homebuyers still trail far behind older generations


Millennials Are Flooding the Housing Market, but Cash-Strapped Boomers Are Standing in Their Way

Millennial homebuyers searching for their first homes are struggling to compete with cash-strapped baby boomers backed by significant equity wealth


Why Some Americans Are Waiting Until After Retirement to Buy Their First Homes

First-time homebuyers in America have never been older. That's due, in large part, to a widening affordability crisis hurting aging, low-income renters

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