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<p>The products you put in your home are almost as important as the foundation used to build it. Nowadays, there’s a product for anything. Upgraded electric panels, sustainable wood flooring, not to mention anything and everything that can be connected through WiFi. Products are what make homes stand out from one-another, and what entices prospective homebuyers to purchase a property.</p>

Coverings Announces Top 10 Tile Trends for 2023

Gathered and forecasted by the three leading international tile associations and sponsors, Coverings has announced the top 10 ceramic tile trends for 2023.

Panasonic Introduces Intelli-Balance 100 Mirror ERV

The device’s mirrored duct configuration will provide more flexibility to installers and engineers across the building industry for projects in any climate zone resulting in healthier indoor air wherever installed.

Bamboo: Not Just for Your Floor Anymore

Illinois-based Lamboo produces an engineered bamboo that can be used for interior, exterior, and structural applications.

Epic Games' Foray Into the Housing, Real Estate Industries

From architecture to real estate, the realm of computer-aided design hits new heights as more and more firms utilize the power of Epic Games’ Twinmotion and Unreal Engine.

Stop Selling. Start Solving Homeowners’ Pain Points.

Westlake Royal Building Products' Paul Burleson recommends five tactics for more effective selling.

LG Introduces 'Home 8' Energy Storage Solution

LG Electronics has introduced the "Home 8" residential energy storage system (ESS), a solution that will enable American homeowners to manage energy, provide backup power, and reduce dependence on the electric grid.

Modular, Modern Apartment Prototype ‘Cloud S’ Unveiled

Modular homebuilding meets manufacturing-like productization with the unveiling of the Cloud S, a modern dwelling for the modern renter.

Building for Resilience: The Roof as a First Defense

The resilience of a roof, its ability to withstand weather conditions and storms, is increasingly important as concerns mount over climate change and the severe weather events accompanying it.

The Benefits of Biophilic Design, Without the Economic or Environmental Costs

Mississippi-based Modern Mill uses discarded rice husks to create a wood-alternative building material called Acre.

The Impact of Energy-Efficient Appliances for Low-Income Households

Habitat for Humanity studied the financial and environmental benefits for homeowners who received thousands of Whirlpool fridges and ranges.

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