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Where is a Nexer to Go?

As we continue our focus-group research with the nexers, we've been hearing about their preferences for features and layout inside the home. The nexers have already provided us with a mountain of ideas that might motivate them to buy a new home. With so many possibilities on the table, we will work to zero in on the nexers' hot buttons with highly specific stimulus materials keyed to how they w...

Price Does Not Affect Profit

When we dig into the data from our most recent Builder Financial Study (the 11th consecutive survey of Lee Evans Group clients), we find house prices in 2003 ranging from $98,800 to $3.2 million, but no direct correlation of price and profitability. Thirty-eight percent of the builders had average sales prices under $200,000, 29.

Hiring and Retaining Employees

An employee leaving a company is like a stone thrown in a still pond: ripples of disruption spread through the organization, creating unbalance. In any business, this unbalance can be expensive. Turnover can cost a builder in recruiting and administrative fees, lack of attention to quality from employees on their way out, and slower productivity until new employees are up to speed.

Design Sketchbook: Entryways

For years we've placed tremendous emphasis on the design and construction of front entries. From richly detailed doors to elaborate foyers with vaulted ceilings and multiple layers of crown molding, formal entryways all contribute to the initial impression of a home. At least they do if you're a guest who actually enters through the front of the home.

Expanding Market Horizons

Phoenix, a consistently strong housing market, keeps pushing its boundaries with communities on the fast-growing citiy's outer ring. One of the newest is the master plan of Verrado, a half-hour drive west of the city. There, with its Horizons neighborhood, Engle Homes' Arizona Division shattered preconceived notions of the prices the market would support at the edge of suburbia.

How to Create Community

Imagine a community where home buyers can watch their children ride their bikes along the sidewalk from their front porch without the worries of traffic being a danger. Imagine a neighborhood where residents walk to the community post office each morning to drop off outgoing mail, and stop in at the attached café for a coffee to start the day.

Design Sketchbook: Family Entryways

For years we've placed tremendous emphasis on the design and construction of front entries. From richly detailed doors to elaborate foyers with vaulted ceilings and multiple layers of crown molding, formal entryways all contribute to the initial impression of a home. At least they do if you're a guest who actually enters through the front of the home.

Zero-Energy Homes is Latest Option

San Francisco Bay area's Ponderosa Homes showcases its Zero-Energy home — one of the home builder's newest options — at The Classics at Ironwood in Pleasanton, Calif., through an inviting "Green Gallery." The gallery, located in the garage of a Zero-Energy model home, features comfortable seating, Zen-like décor, and four main exhibits: Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources, Wat...

Get Surreal!

Contemporary architecture returns to production-built housing, when a GIANT models an entire village in Orange County, Calif., after the shacks of an old mining town.

Design Sketchbook: Foyers

First impressions last, so put your best foot forward in the foyer. Know when to make a grand spash with a second entrance or stairway, and how to share space in compact designs.

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