
Mortgage Delinquency Declines But Student Loan, Credit Card, And Auto Loan Debt Piles Up

Dec. 5, 2016

After hitting a peak of 8.9 percent in 2010, the share of 90-plus day delinquency on mortgages has dipped to only 1.6 percent in Q1 of 2016.

Though statistics from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, NAHB Eye on Housing reports that delinquency on student loans, credit cards, and auto loans remain elevated.

In aggregate, serious delinquency in household debt types can impair housing demand by eroding a household’s ability to qualify for a mortgage. This is especially important when the standards for obtaining a mortgage are historically high. … An increase in the proportion of auto loans held by this credit score category that are 90 or more days past due makes it difficult for these consumers to improve their credit score and qualify for a mortgage under today’s lending conditions.

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