
Big Cities With The Highest Paying Jobs

Feb. 14, 2017

As expensive as real estate is in San Jose, at least many residents who live there make a lot of money.

Business Insider examined a recent list of the nation’s 100 best cities from U.S. News & World Report, separated the cities with the highest population, and found the best places for people who earn more than $50,000 a year.

San Jose ranked first, as residents earn $78,620 a year on average. Fellow tech hub San Francisco ranks second at $66,900, followed by Washington D.C. ($65,910), Boston ($62,070), and New York City ($60,108).

Other top 10 cities include Hartford, Conn., and Baltimore.

The aerospace, healthcare, and financial services industries dominate the job market in Hartford, which is home to Aetna Inc., United Technologies Corp., and Hartford Hospital. … Baltimore has experienced an influx of new residents in recent years and a growing bioscience industry that's created a slew of employment opportunities at places like Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland.

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