
10 Demographic Trends That Impact The Economy And Workforce

April 28, 2017

The traditional household structure is changing. Fewer Americans are getting married, cohabitation is becoming more common, and multigenerational households are on the rise.

Pew Research identified 10 demographic trends that are reshaping the nation and the world. The Millennial generation now outnumbers the Baby Boomer generation and will continue to grow due to immigration. Women account for 46.8 percent of the labor force, but though that rate has grown sharply over the past half century, it is expected to plateau through the next few decades.

Also, immigrants are expected to spur growth in the U.S. workforce.

As the Baby Boom generation heads toward retirement, growth in the nation’s working-age population (those ages 25 to 64) will be driven by immigrants and the U.S.-born children of immigrants, at least through 2035.

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