Fort Worth, Newark, Among The Most Affordable Cities For Working Class Families
In Glendale, Ariz., workers can punch out after a long day, head home, and enjoy a little financial flexibility. A working class household there can bank $10,000 a year, even after paying bills and housing expenses.
According to research from the personal finance site How Much, Business Insider lists the most, and least, affordable cities for working class households. The analysis assumed a household headed by a home appliance repairer and a manicurist who make average salaries and provide for a family of four. Housing costs were based on a 1,500 square foot home.
Fort Worth, Texas, Newark, N.J., and Glendale were the best locations for a working class family. In each city, families can put more than $10,000 a year into their bank accounts after paying for living expenses. Two other Arizona cities, Gilbert and Mesa, rounded out the top five.
On the other end, the working class is really in a rough spot in more expensive markets along the coast. Under the same stipulations, working class families go more than $60,000 in the red each year in Boston, San Francisco, and New York City.