Energy Efficiency

Batteries Now Included: Fundamental Change Coming for Supplying, Storing Energy

Oct. 17, 2017

At first glance, the rise of home batteries appears to be just another feature of tech takeover. Ultimately, home batteries are becoming increasingly popular and valued as the need for renewable energy intensifies.

In particular, solar power generates power sporadically, and without batteries or other energy storage options, utility companies may not be able to deliver power as effectively. Per, this is not a theoretical problem that may or may not occur in the future, "this is now,” says Marc Romito, director of customer technology at Arizona Public Service, the state’s largest electric utility.

You might not even know your lights are being kept on by the same chemical process that powers your smartphone, since the batteries could be tucked into what looks like a neighborhood junction box, or behind a fence in a substation. But now, thanks to efforts by startups and the utility companies they sell to (and sometimes battle), you might get one right inside your home.

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