Single-Family Homes

Millennial Homebuyers Are Most Interested In These 10 Cities

Popular places for young adults range from Seattle to Buffalo, N.Y.
March 27, 2017

People under the age of 36 make up 64 percent of first-time homebuyers and 34 percent of all buyers. They have some pretty specific tastes when it comes to where they want to live: They want short commutes, parks, nightlife, and, perhaps most importantly, housing that’s affordable. found the 10 cities that have attracted the most interest from Millennial buyers, based on listings searched over the last six months.

Salt Lake City ranked first, spurred by a thriving tech sector, low unemployment rate, attainable housing ($360,000 median home price), and outdoor scenery and activities. Other hot cities for young people included mainstays such as Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Two northern New York cities, Buffalo and Albany, also made the list. Buffalo has cheap housing (a median price of $158,000), cultural attractions, and an influx of jobs. Albany also has available tech jobs, along with a revitalized downtown with new bars, hotels, and restaurants.

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