
Urban Land Institute's Emerging Trends for 2018

Oct. 27, 2017

The Urban Land Institute released their 2018 Emerging Trends in Real Estate report, including a ranking of the top 20 U.S. markets to watch. Seattle took the number one spot.

Experts say this economic cycle is due for a balanced, "'new normal' of slow and steady growth," citing policy shifts toward tightening the Fed, high asset prices in real estate, and the low employment rate, Curbed reports. Analysts are targeting secondary markets in the U.S. for sustainable growth and investment, as Urban Land Institute's survey data reflects these areas are currently outpacing primary cities.

Forget new billion-dollar tech startups: the real unicorns in today’s economy may be mid-priced single family homes that a cross-section of buyers can actually afford. No segment of the housing market has so many potential buyers, just no scalable solution remains so elusive, due to a number of economic factors. Experts zeroed-in on this difficult, yet in-demand housing as perhaps the most valuable, and vexing, product to develop.

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