
American Concrete Institute Releases New Guide to Shotcrete

New guide includes information on application procedures and testing for sprayed concrete
June 13, 2016

The American Concrete Institute released a new publication for concrete industry professionals—ACI 506R-16 Guide to Shotcrete.

The guide provides information on materials and properties of both dry-mix and wet-mix Shotcrete. The guide includes information on application procedures, equipment requirements, and responsibilities of the Shotcrete crew.

Guidance on preconstruction trials, craftsman qualification tests, materials tests, finished Shotcrete acceptance tests, and equipment, is included.

“The guide is an excellent primer with numerous pictures and figures covering the entire Shotcrete process for engineers, architects, contractors, inspectors, testing firms, material and equipment suppliers, educators, and students,” said Charles Hanskat, Executive Director of the American Shotcrete Association and member of ACI Committee 506, Shotcreting. “A wide variety of applications and details of the Shotcrete placement process are covered including history, equipment selection, material requirements, formwork, crew composition and qualification, proper placement techniques, types of finishes, QA/QC testing, and sustainability.”

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