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Save Marriages With Alternatives to Custom Built

Among the four options for couples who are unable to take the custom-built home journey; furnished models are great places to win over would-be buyers. They allow buyers to see, touch, feel and understand scale.
Oct. 6, 2021

Builders have encountered potential buyers who couldn’t move from sketches to selections because they suffered from decision overload. And there are couples who know each other so well, they don’t dare try to build a custom home for fear that the relationship would not survive.

With buyers like these, Deryl Patterson of Housing Design Matters, suggests steering them to four alternatives so they can find the home of their dreams: Model homes, semi-custom homes based on a model, designer ready spec homes, and fully completed spec homes.

Furnished models are great places to win over would-be buyers. They allow buyers to see, touch, feel and understand scale. But they are also great opportunities to expand the buyer’s perspective and expectations. This is huge because most buyers only know what has worked and not worked in their current house.

Models are the perfect place to showcase the latest finishes and the things buyers never knew they needed:
• A second refrigerator in the kitchen (instead of the garage)
• A Parcel Delivery Vestibule for grocery deliveries
• The connected laundry
• The Messy Kitchen

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