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This article first appeared in the March/April 2021 issue of Pro Builder.

Fighting to keep housing a priority in Congress is at the core of what we do at the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). A critical part of our advocacy is in-person meetings with elected representatives—the lawmakers who shape the nation’s housing policy at the federal level.

As part of that effort, NAHB is conducting Bringing Housing Home on May 3-7. This outreach will give NAHB members and their local home builders associations an opportunity to meet with their U.S. representatives and senators in their home districts, either on a jobsite or virtually, while adhering to local social distancing guidelines.

Speaking with members of Congress while they are at home enables builders to discuss the key issues affecting their businesses and our industry. Lawmakers need to understand that escalating materials prices, such as the unprecedented rise in the cost of lumber, render housing less affordable for American families. The new Congress can act on issues that address supply shortages and develop both short- and long-term solutions to the lumber crisis.

We need to make sure legislators understand that excessive regulation drives up the cost of housing, making it harder for low- and moderate-income families to find homes that meet their needs at a price they can afford.

They can also work to address the chronic labor shortage; one of the most significant challenges builders face that leads to higher construction costs, increased home prices, and lower economic growth.

In addition, NAHB advocates that local, state, and federal funds be invested in industry-sponsored and validated programs with proven success, such as the Home Builders Institute Job Corps and Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training programs. These efforts are a cost-effective means of providing skills training and job placement for young people new to the construction industry.

We need to make sure legislators understand that excessive regulation drives up the cost of housing, making it harder for low- and moderate-income families to find homes that meet their needs at a price they can afford.

NAHB is always working to find solutions to the housing affordability crisis and to fight the challenges that slow home building and diminish the industry’s contribution to the broader economy. Our efforts require comprehensive strategies at all levels of government to reduce building costs, boost supply, and empower homebuyers with a mix of housing choices.


To prepare members for meetings with their federal representatives, NAHB will provide resources, including an updated legislative priorities brochure that can be shared with your representatives and talking points for use in the meetings.

NAHB’s Government Affairs staff can help to arrange a meeting.

The website has more information.

We are home builders. We provide jobs, generate tax revenue, and boost the broader economy. Even more important, we build the houses that American families call “home.”

It is time to remind our elected officials where our industry stands on the issues by being involved in Bringing Housing Home. Our efforts can help shape the legislation that will affect members’ businesses for years to come.


• NAHB’s educational programs focus on practical training for newcomers and veterans. Use our Education Calendar to find upcoming opportunities to attend classes in your local area or learn online 
at your own pace.

• Bringing Housing Home is an 
opportunity for builders to meet with their federal representatives on key housing issues, including 
materials prices, labor shortages, and regulatory barriers. Find out more at
