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To get attention, B_R_E_A_K the pattern


Two teachers start their respective 8 am classes. 
Both classes have talkative students. 

More consumers getting on board with net-zero homes

Whenever I come across an article in the Wall Street Journal touting some new-home trend, I see it as a sign of mass appeal. Take the…

Servant leadership

Servant leadership emphasizes an increased service to others, a holistic approach, promoting a sense of community and the sharing of power in…

Why you should embrace the Hispanic conflict


Shawn Coyne is a writing partner to Steven Pressfield. Mr. Pressfield wrote…

Leadership by the numbers: What’s yours?


Leadership is a numbers game. 
The equation revolves around how many people you can positively impact on a…

Architecture goes to the dogs

The late Roger Caras, president emeritus of the ASPCA, once said, “Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole.” No dog lover…

The feed vs. the hunt

My son is 6 years-old. 

It’s a fun age. 
Witnessing your progeny develop original thoughts on shared topics is…

Owning a Wright home comes at a price

It’s well known that Frank Lloyd Wright-designed homes, while they’re architectural masterpieces, often have structural issues such as leaky roofs…

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Scott Sedam and I are presenting at PCBC from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on June 5. The program is below and you can get your tickets right now at the…

Rosetta Stone, relevance, and retention


Living in a small sliver of the language pie Rosetta Stone enlarged, we owe a debt of gratitude to the public company. Rosetta has been…

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