Market Data + Trends

Only 1.3 Million Millennial Women Became Mothers In 2015

Jan. 4, 2017

Millennials are delaying parenthood more than previous generations did.

According to Pew Research, 1.3 million Millennial women gave birth for the first time in 2015, raising the number of Millennial moms to 16 million. However, according to 2014 data, 42 percent of Millennial women (between the ages of 18 and 33) were moms in 2014, a drop from 49 percent of Generation X women when they were in the same age range.

The rising age at first birth is hardly limited to the Millennial generation. It has been a trend since at least 1970. Many factors may contribute, including a shift away from marriage, increasing educational attainment and the movement of women into the labor force.

Millennial women accounted for 82 percent of all U.S. births in 2015. People born between 1981 and 1997 make up 31 percent of the total population and 34 percent of the workforce.

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