First Product Category Rule For Roof Coating Materials Created
NSF International, a global public health organization and the Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association (RCMA) have created the first product category rule (PCR) in North America for roof coating materials. Verified environmental product declarations (EPDs) may help building projects qualify for points through the LEED v4 Material and Resource credits and comply with the International Green Construction Code (IgCC). Products covered include fluid-applied and adherent coatings used for roof maintenance or roof repair, or as a component of a roof covering system or roof assembly.
A PCR defines how to conduct a life-cycle assessment for a product group and what to include in the resulting report. Life-cycle assessments measure inputs, outputs, and environmental impacts of a product across its lifespan. An environmental product declaration (EPD) is the third-party-verified report that explains the data generated from a life-cycle assessment. Data included in the EPD is also defined by the PCR.
“This product category rule developed by NSF International provides our industry a much needed guideline for calculating and reporting the environmental attributes of roof coatings,” said Jim Kirby, Executive Director of RCMA. “The subsequent life cycle analyses developed by our members using the PCR can provide a basis for improvement to enable reductions in environmental impacts over time.”