Design Best Practices

Are You Doing Enough in Your Houses for Pet Owners?

The lesson is that pets have grown in number and in status to warrant changes to our built environment.
Oct. 13, 2021

Well, some airports are. Deryl Patterson, of Housing Design Matters, shares observations, like pet relief stations, and other features she saw recently at the airport in Washington, D.C., that can be applied to housing design.

For example:

A few years back, it was not uncommon to see folks sitting on the floor next to an outlet to charge their phones. Of course, those outlets were located for vacuuming and not for cell phone charging. Fast forward to today and most airports have added charging stations for our phones. But is it enough? The family of four next to me had multiple devices; husband and wife each had cell phone, headphones and a tablet – maybe even a laptop. And both their kids had tablets and headphones.

Each needed to be fully charged prior to boarding the plane. One USB outlet per person just isn’t enough anymore. The lesson in our houses is you just can’t have enough places to charge your devices. I like outlets at nightstand height on both sides of each bed. Make it a quad outlet and include two USB ports.

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