
Transoms, Decorative Glass Soar In Popularity

Acrylic block and decorative glass transom windows are a hot item with builders across the country
March 27, 2017
2 min read

Transom windows in master showers and decorative glass are increasing in popularity, according to Roger Murphy, president of Hy-Lite, a U.S. Block Windows Company, based in Pensacola, Fla. A survey of Hy-Lite customers revealed that 4-by-1-foot transoms are a hot item with home builders nationwide.

“We’re shipping both acrylic block and decorative glass transoms from coast to handle to handle these requests for new-home production,” Murphy says.

Transoms in master showers are especially popular. Many bathrooms also have a larger privacy window of the same style as the transom over the master tub. “This is the room in the house where light is desired, but privacy is demanded,” he says.

The three most popular window sizes are 42 by 42 inches, 50 by 8 inches, and 47 by 47 inches. Murphy notes that fixed and operable privacy windows in the bathroom, hallway, living areas, and/or master bedroom add differentiation and profitability to a builder’s window package, without adding complexity to the installation.

Decorative glass continues to skyrocket. Murphy believes this trend, fueled by the wide variety of style options available, will continue well into 2017. Hy-Lite’s bestselling decorative-glass windows are Victorian Private Elegance, the Aurora Bath-Lite Series, and the Prairie Style in the Home Designer Collection. Contemporary and transitional styles are in the works.

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