Business Management

Fusion Breaks Out

According to quality experts Dr. Stanley Marash, Paul Berman and Michael Flynn, fusion management takes the aspects that really work from each of the hot methods of the past 30 years.
Jan. 1, 2004

Home builders never fail to embrace every new management methodology that comes along. Here’s the latest: fusion management. If you just can’t decide among TQM, Six Sigma, ISO 9001, just-in-time, quality circles, re-engineering and lean, go for fusion, which purports to roll the best elements of 30-odd programmes du jour into a workable hybrid tailored to each individual organization.

According to quality experts Dr. Stanley Marash, Paul Berman and Michael Flynn, fusion takes the aspects that really work from each of the hot methods of the past 30 years.

“The problem is, no ‘one size fits all’ program will work for everyone,” Marash says. “What’s needed is fusion, not fission. In fission, a process of decay causes material to split apart, creating a great deal of heat and, over time, lead. In fusion, simpler elements combine to form more complex elements, which take on features and qualities that the constituent ingredients did not possess. Hence, we call our concept fusion management.”

Well, Dr. Deming would love that.

If you want to know more, Marash, Berman and Flynn wrote the book on the subject. Fusion Management, from QSU Publishing, can be purchased through

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