
Learn More About It

The following sources offer more information about sustainable land planning and green building
June 1, 1999

The following sources offer more information about sustainable land planning and green building. Check them out.

The Center for Livable Communities:

Also available are the Center’s publications including Livable Places Profiles, Making Streets That Work, Building Livable Communities and A Policy-makers Guide to Transit-Oriented Development Designing Sustainable Communities: Learning from Village Homes by Michael and Judy Corbett is being published by Island Press and will be available in Fall 1999 (800/828-1302).

Conservation Design for Subdivisions by Randall Arendt, Island Press, 1998.
Home From Nowhere by James Howard Kunstler, Simon & Shuster, 1996.
Coffee Creek Center: http://www.coffeecreekcenter.com
Lake Erie Land Company: http://www.lelcompany.com
William McDonough + Partners: http://www.mcdonough.com/
Civano: http://www.civano.com
Institute for Sustainable Design, University of Virginia Village Habitat Design: www.VillageHabitat.com

Also See:
Re-Imaging the Future

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