Erik Froelich After 12 years in the real estate industry, former management consultant Erik Froelich has learned what it takes to get the job done right. During the most grueling of times, the general manager of the Raleigh-Durham, N.C., division of HHHunt Homes knows business savvy and the ability to charge forward — with one's sanity and sense of humor intact — are keys to being successful at the end of the day.
We asked Froelich what "tools" he relies on daily to be the most effective, energetic and inspired at his job. Here's his Top 5:
My Blackberry: It's the ultimate integrated information and communication device. From task and information management to real-time communication, this little tool has helped me be a much more responsive executive. But I have learned that you have to control it or it will control you before you know it.
Scriptures: Daily reading provides me with the grounding, principles and inspiration I need to navigate a world where competing priorities can provoke short-sighted responses in our relationship with others.
Management Lit:"Built to Last" and "Good to Great," both by Jim Collins, are two classics that I refer to regularly to remind me that, to be great home builders, we need to build enduring organizations.Gym bag: There is a direct correlation between the degree to which I get out of the office and exercise daily and my personal productivity. It not only helps relieve stress but burn off the extra calories I consume when I feel said stress!
Photo of my beautiful wife and five kiddies: A reminder of what matters most and that my job is just a means to an end after all is said and done.