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Single Women Outpace Single Men At Buying Homes

Of homebuyers last year, 17 percent were single women, while only 7 percent were unmarried men
Feb. 1, 2017

Of the people who bought homes in the U.S. last year, 17 percent were single women, a larger share than single men (7 percent) and unmarried couples (8 percent) combined.

Bloomberg explores why single women have long outpaced single men when it comes to buying homes. Experts said that women are more likely to raise kids on their own, and in those cases, homeownership offers stability. Also, women are more likely to embrace a single lifestyle and build individual wealth.

When single women do buy their first homes, they do so at an older age than men, 34 compared with 31, according to NAR research from last year. And women are buying at a lower average price: $173,000 compared with $190,600.

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