Single-Family Homes

How Can The Housing Industry Accommodate Seniors?

Jan. 30, 2017

Older adult communities are becoming more prominent and will serve as one solution for the nation’s rising aging population. But, they aren’t suitable for everyone. Some people will not leave their current homes, no matter what.

Allison Arieff of the New York Times analyzed the future of senior housing, exploring concepts such as retirement villages, Universal Design, co-housing, “granny flats,” and naturally occurring retirement communities.

My now-car-free relative is not the sort to sign up for one of those 55-plus communities promising sunshine, gardens and golf. Fiercely independent, an old-school intellectual and, frankly, a bit of a loner, he insists on remaining in his suburban home (“I will die in this house” typically ends any conversation in which I suggest a move) — even if that home is slowly becoming a dangerous place for him to be in.

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