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Sterling Ridge, Premier Collection Plan 2

On a site surrounded by custom homes, these houses push what's possible for production

The Chesapeake at Foxtail Square

Single-story homes target empty nesters and include room for friends and family to visit

Burning Creek Retreat

At just over $100 per square foot, this family retreat proves that design on a budget can be extraordinary


Built in a formerly blighted area, Parkview serves households with incomes between 30 and 60 percent of area median income

Atlantic Crossing at Delray Beach

The proposed development would link downtown to the beach

The Estates at Del Sur Mountain Ranch

Richly detailed exteriors and strong indoor-outdoor connections result in homes that are ideal for big family gatherings and large parties

Fillmore Park

Flats and townhomes with private patios surround a courtyard, providing community and housing within reach in one of the nation's most expensive real estate markets

Downey Collection

The 46 three-story townhouses are solar-powered and have attracted a wide range of buyers

The Elliott

Historic elegance, luxurious touches, and a modern floorplan create a custom home on the Gulf Coast

NorthSky 5010

In a walkable community in the Rockies, homes offer abundant natural light and splendid mountain views

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