
New Executive Order Earmarks More Money For Apprenticeship Programs

June 30, 2017

With a shortage of skilled workers for private companies, a new plan for learn-and-earn programs will fill some of the six million open jobs in the U.S.

The Associated Press reports that President Donald Trump signed an executive order to double the $200 million in taxpayer money spent toward a grant system called ApprenticeshipUSA. The money will come from existing job training programs, according to the AP.

The nation has roughly 500,000 apprentices, or about 0.35 percent of the 146 million jobs total. Earlier this year, President Trump announced the goal of creating five million new apprenticeships.

Many job sectors are experiencing a shortage of apprentices, including construction, manufacturing, and information technology.

Critics say Trump can’t be promoting apprenticeships while he proposes cutting federal job training funding by as much as 40 percent — from $2.7 billion to $1.6 billion. There also are questions about oversight of apprenticeship programs that begin and operate almost completely under the control of the company.

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