
Cities With The Highest Renter Approval Rates

Sept. 6, 2017

People who make a lot of money have little trouble finding an apartment in some of the nation’s priciest housing markets.

CNBC reports that Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and San Diego all have rent applicant approval rates of 90 percent or better, the highest rates in the country.

Of course, the average income of applicants approved in each city is higher than $60,000, with San Francisco renters earning the most, at $109,946.

While income is an important factor in getting approved, potential renters need excellent credit scores, as well.

"For instance, only 48 percent of applicants with a credit score below 500 are approved, but 98 percent of applicants with scores above 750 are successful,” says real estate writer Nadia Balint.

The national approval rate is 83.2 percent in 2017.

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