
The Most And Least Sustainable Cities, From San Jose To Baton Rouge

Aug. 11, 2017

Thriving cities along the coast are proving to be more sustainable than Rust Belt cities combating economic issues.

According to CityLab, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network created an index that ranks the 100 largest metros in the U.S. on the basis of how cities are handling climate change objectives, along with poverty, health, and equitable income distribution.

San Jose finished atop the list, followed by Provo, Utah, Seattle, San Francisco-Oakland, and San Diego.

San Jose has pioneered environmental sustainability in part by partnering with its robust tech sector and scored the highest ranking of cities creating partnerships to reach their goals.

At the bottom were Baton Rouge, La., along with Cleveland, Detroit, Augusta, Ga., and New Orleans.

CityLab notes that no U.S. city is even halfway to reaching a score that would satisfy the Paris Climate Agreement.

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