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The Big Squeeze

New laws complicate California’s already tough entitlement situation.

NAHB Opinion: Planning for Growth

I magine that a new state law requires your local government to streamline the subdivision approval process, making it easier for you to develop land and build homes.

The Little House That Could

How a new study helps debunk the cost-of-growth myth, once and for all.

Rotten to the Core

Proposed regulatory changes for wetlands development activities would bring almost no flexibility or regulatory relief to the Clean Water Act Section 404 program and would modify only slightly the onerous wetlands Nationwide Permit (NWP) restrictions i...

The Fee Police

Counties and local governments in the Chicago area were recently put on notice -- ensure that their residential development fees conform with state laws or face an imminent threat of litigation

Urban Pioneers

Rezmar makes its name building in emerging neighborhoods of Chicago.

Cape Fear

Builders on Cape Cod are waging a fight over quick action moratoriums.

High Court Ruling Eases ‘Takings’ Claims

In a case closely watched by home builders and property rights advocates, the U.S. Supreme Court late last month narrowly ruled in favor of a Rhode Islander who was repeatedly barred by authorities from building a beach club and 74 homes on 18 acres of...

Mission Accomplished

Despite the good economic times of recent years, it’s estimated that more than 5 million renter households nationwide have critical housing needs, meaning they spend more than half of their income on housing or live in severely inadequate units.

Banding together with NACo

NAHB Opinion: We didn’t hire a marching band this spring when the National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Counties agreed to work more closely to create sustainable local communities, but it was nevertheless a landmark eve...

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