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New York City Renters Face $1 Billion in Unpaid Rent

A recent survey found New York City renters owe $1 billion in unpaid rent, but the survey only accounts for roughly half of the total rentals,…


3 Million Unemployed Renters Remain Burdened by Housing Costs

There are an estimated 3 million renters who remain unemployed from March that face intense housing cost burdens. Thanks to the new stimulus…

Build to Rent

Investors Go All-In for Build to Rent Housing

While multifamily rentals have suffered during the pandemic, single-family rentals have seen record occupancy and fast rising rents. It’s a result…

BALA Best in American Living Awards

Best of BALA 2020

Projects entered in NAHB’s annual Best in American Living Awards serve as bellwethers for today’s (and tomorrow’s) housing design


Multifamily Construction is Making a Comeback

After months of new single-family construction leading the way, November’s construction starts were boosted primarily by multifamily construction…


How Multifamily Builders Can Benefit From Single-Family Boom

John Burns Real Estate Consulting says multifamily builders need to follow the single-family homes, specifically the rapidly developing new-home…


Renters Return to Snag Concessions, Majority Remain in Same Area

Many young renters are bidding farewell to their parents’ homes and reentering the rental market, says Zillow. Once the pandemic began to alter…


Concessions Now Offered by a Third of Rental Listings

An increasing number of landlords are offering concessions in order to bolster the suffering rental market. Zillow reports 33.9% of the site’s…

Single-Family Homes

September Single-Family Permits Rise as Multifamily Falls

From the beginning of 2020 until September, total single-family permits increased 10.2% year over year. In 2019, the number of total permits hit…


Who is Today's Average Renter?

The suburban apartment market has seen booming activity while the urban market dips. The pandemic pushed many to look for homes with more space at…

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