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National Housing Quality Award

Mungo Homes: More Than a Family Business

Irmo, S.C.-based Mungo Homes scored a National Housing Quality award on its very first try, which almost never happens


KPIs Help Home Builders Obtain Financing

To obtain a loan, home builders should understand the key performance indicators that drive the decision

Supersize It

The sizes of newly constructed homes have grown significantly over the last 30 years. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of new homes with 2,400–2,999 square feet has grown 75 percent.

Market Downturn Deepens

In many ways, the current housing market slowdown is similar to what happened between 1990 and 1992, although that one had a national economic recession to deepen it. We've avoided that this time — so far.

Mod Moves Up

The Gulf Coast housing crisis created by Hurricane Katrina is churning up innovation on a broad scale, and the solutions taking shape in Louisiana and Mississippi may eventually land at your door, wherever you do business.

Mr. Optimism

Toll Brothers Chairman Bob Toll talks about the current housing envrionment and how he is positioning Toll Brothers for what he believes will be a re-ignition of the housing boom.

Remember the Basics

My partners and I are in a fascinating line of work. Every day we get to talk to interesting people from across the country about what's going on in our industry. Here're some things we've run across lately that may help you on the HR side.

Myths and Facts of Valuations

Second in a two-part series: In this article, the methodologies used in valuing companies are outlined, answering the recurrent question, "What is my company worth?"

The Lean-Building Machine

What began as a predicted 5 percent slowdown for 2006 has now passed 10 percent nationwide and may reach 15 percent, or more. Some of the nationals are really hurting, with one of the Top 10 builders reporting sales down 45 percent as of August. With a new article coming out nearly every day on the housing downturn, it seems unlikely that things will turn around soon.

High-Performance Education

With energy prices on the rise, buyers are increasingly attracted to the notion of high-performance homes. Find out what you need to know in order to connect to your customers' deep desire for energy efficiency.

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