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Strive for Perfection

Even an attempt at perfection is difficult, but if you set perfection as your company's goal and everyone involved strives for it, you'll be winning against the competition, regardless

Improve homebuilder brand equity for long-term success

Homebuilders’ future success will depend largely on how well they’ve maintained their brands at the local level. Here's what you can do to shore up your image.

How homebuilders can improve negotiations with home buyers

Close more deals – and build more homes – by defining the salesperson-home buyer negotiation process.

Homebuilders: Stop Selling Homes on Contingency Contracts

Here are the sales tactics home builders need to move buyers out of those contingent contracts — that often fall out — into binding contracts.

How to develop successful homeowner associations

Builders with communities that have homeowner associations face unique challenges and risks. Here are best practices and resources for home builders who are looking to set up community associations that succeed.

Anatomy of a Best Practice

Learn to develop a best practice with Professional Builder and Michael Dickens.

How Homebuilders can Attract First-Time Homebuyers

First-time homebuyers offer a blank slate for homebuilders. Customer Satisfaction expert Paul Cardis explains how you can turn these buyers into referral machines.

Why homebuilders should know their customers' values

Professional Builder columnist John Rymer explains why homebuyers’ values should be at the top of every homebuilder’s sales staff’s list.

Who Are These Entry-Level Buyers?

We offer homebuilders a primer for understanding — and selling to — their entry-level buyers.

Customer Satisfaction

How to Use a Customer Loyalty Metric to Your Advantage

Though the widely used Net Promoter Score has come under attack, there are good ways to adapt this customer loyalty metric to the home building industry

Build rapport to earn customer's sale

You can no longer afford to be aloof when closing a sale. Professional Builder columnist John Rymer explains why building rapport is essential to the sales process.

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