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Leadership by the numbers: What’s yours?


Leadership is a numbers game. 
The equation revolves around how many people you can positively impact on a…

Architecture goes to the dogs

The late Roger Caras, president emeritus of the ASPCA, once said, “Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole.” No dog lover…

HUD okays New York’s plan to spend $648 million in Sandy aid to elevate homes

New York City's plan for how it will spend Sandy relief aid worth $1.77 billion has been given the green light by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Studies suggest utility, transportation expenses should figure into mortgage applications

Recent studies strongly suggest a homeowner's utility expenses and transportation expenses can be meaningful determinants of delinquency, default, and prepayment.

Rosetta Stone, relevance, and retention


Living in a small sliver of the language pie Rosetta Stone enlarged, we owe a debt of gratitude to the public company. Rosetta has been…

“We’ve done this a lot. You...as a group…are stupid.”



Last week I went to the Chicago filming of “America’s Got Talent”, the NBC show that accepts all comers who don’t make it on…

Time to consider floating homes in coastal areas

The sight of shoreline homes washed away in recent storms suggests it is time to give serious consideration to innovative proposals like a plan for a “float yard” along Boston Harbor.

Priority Energy to host networking, educational event

Priority Energy, a home-energy audit training company based in the Chicago area, invites builders, architects, contractors, code officials, and HERS raters to mingle with industry peers and browse its IECC booths on Wednesday, May 15.

Passive House airtightness standard depends on diligence of crew

Meeting the Passive House airtightness standard is more a matter of art than of software. It takes top-notch materials for taping and sealing and great diligence in applying them.

The “knowledge worker” rant

I despise the term Knowledge WorkerWhy? Let’s start with the definition of Knowledge Worker and you can judge for…

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