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Construction Quality

5 Common Construction Mistakes

Avoiding these construction mistakes results in a higher quality, more comfortable, energy-efficient home at little extra cost to the builder. In these days of construction litigation, can you really afford to get it wrong?

Jobsite Safety

Why Builders Should Just Say Yes to Drug Testing

Jobsite safety is compromised by workers under the influence of alcohol and illicit drugs. It's up to builders and their crews on the ground to implement and enforce a strict drug and alcohol policy

4 Steps Homebuilders Can Use To Raise Quality Standards, Boost Profits

By setting and enforcing quality standards with your team, you can minimize warranty claims and retain more profit from the homes you sell both now and in the future.

Business Management

Take the Voodoo Out of Home Building Process Improvement

With a few notable exceptions, builders haven't figured out that if they create a disciplined, bulletproof building process, they'll have very few customer issues. And for those who do, they have time to deal with them

Your Construction Manager: First Line of Defense

Now that insurance costs have escalated and some states prohibit express indemnities, it's time to focus on delivering even greater quality. But who will take on this task?

Home Builders Miss Boat on Production Process Improvement

Can production process improvement push past finance and marketing in home builders’ priority list? Columnist Scott Sedam ponders this and more in his column.

The Supplier and Trade Tip-Off

This builder asked its suppliers and trades to help it identify waste in processes, materials and labor using a structured process. The message from the builder was "Help me preserve my margins without cutting yours." The effort resulted in the identification of more than $1 million in savings.

2007 Color Forecast Calls for Earth Shades

Choosing the right color for a model living room or an entire development entails more than just flipping through paint swatches. Color consultants will tell you that color has enormous effect by distinguishing a model home, making it more memorable.

Beyond Zoning: Home Builders Seek Relief

Ask any builder to list the obstacles to innovation, infill construction and transit-friendly communities and local zoning restrictions likely will rank near the top of the list, along with legal liability and land costs. That could change.

Seven Issues That Impact a Home Builder's Bottom Line

Building a higher-quality home is the source of untapped potential for boosting your company's bottom line. In this article, seven major issues that can eat away at the bottom line are exposed.

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