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Debate in the Northwest over how to apply lessons of net-zero construction in codes

Success in constructing net-zero homes in the Northwest has sparked debate over how green codes should be incorporated.

More consumers getting on board with net-zero homes

Whenever I come across an article in the Wall Street Journal touting some new-home trend, I see it as a sign of mass appeal. Take the…

Boston auctions off city land for net-zero housing development

The city has already awarded three vacant city-owned sites on streets lined with old-line two- and three-family homes in the Roxbury and Jamaica Plain neighborhoods to teams of developers and architects.

Why you should embrace the Hispanic conflict


Shawn Coyne is a writing partner to Steven Pressfield. Mr. Pressfield wrote…

JUST label aims to assess social justice on building material manufacturers

At Living Future's annual conference this month in Seattle, Jason McLennan and architecture firm BNIM founder Bob Berkebile launched the JUST label, an extension of the Declare label that addresses social justice and equity issues.

Maryland bill on codes for wind resistance will take effect in October

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety says that Maryland citizens will be safer due to legislation passed by the legislature and signed into law by Gov. Martin O’Malley.

Leadership by the numbers: What’s yours?


Leadership is a numbers game. 
The equation revolves around how many people you can positively impact on a…

Architecture goes to the dogs

The late Roger Caras, president emeritus of the ASPCA, once said, “Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole.” No dog lover…

HUD okays New York’s plan to spend $648 million in Sandy aid to elevate homes

New York City's plan for how it will spend Sandy relief aid worth $1.77 billion has been given the green light by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Studies suggest utility, transportation expenses should figure into mortgage applications

Recent studies strongly suggest a homeowner's utility expenses and transportation expenses can be meaningful determinants of delinquency, default, and prepayment.

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