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Why you should embrace the Hispanic conflict


Shawn Coyne is a writing partner to Steven Pressfield. Mr. Pressfield wrote…

Leadership by the numbers: What’s yours?


Leadership is a numbers game. 
The equation revolves around how many people you can positively impact on a…

Building middle ground

In looking ahead to 2013, we asked builders who placed in the middle of the pack in our survey about the lessons they learned from the downturn, and how they are applying that information to future opportunities.

The search for the magic model

For this issue Pat O’Toole, our venerable publisher, asked me to write about the best business models among those home builders in what is often termed the second tier of the industry, or those companies ranked in the top 25 to 100.

The feed vs. the hunt

My son is 6 years-old. 

It’s a fun age. 
Witnessing your progeny develop original thoughts on shared topics is…

The underutilized and awesomely powerful spreadsheet

From what I gather in my dealings with builders and designers, our industry underutilizes spreadsheets.

Contractors call for state training programs to make up for shortfall of skilled construction workers

Rising demand for residential construction is starting to outpace the number of workers available to do the work, some home builders say.

Rosetta Stone, relevance, and retention


Living in a small sliver of the language pie Rosetta Stone enlarged, we owe a debt of gratitude to the public company. Rosetta has been…

“We’ve done this a lot. You...as a group…are stupid.”



Last week I went to the Chicago filming of “America’s Got Talent”, the NBC show that accepts all comers who don’t make it on…

The “knowledge worker” rant

I despise the term Knowledge WorkerWhy? Let’s start with the definition of Knowledge Worker and you can judge for…

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